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  本版稿件 首席记者 黄艳春












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Guest (2010-5-07 13:04:45, 评分:0)

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Thank you for taking time away from your writing to talk with us about channeling the voice of youth. Before breaking into the YA market, you were quite successful as a nonfiction author. When you began your first novel, Crank, did you see it as a YA book? Ellen: When I first started writing the book, I didn’t even know it was a book. It was a way for me to process the preceding six years of our life. I write page to page, and each wow power leveling page is almost perfect before I move on. Generally they feel perfect, but something might come up later that makes me have to change an wow gold earlier page. Because each page flows into the next, this is a must. I write carefully; and so compared to some writers, my process seems slow. However, I don’t write “drafts.” By the time I finish a book, it’s pretty much ready to go to my wow power leveling editor. I actually love the challenge of making every word count. I love giving readers strong imagery aion gold through the voices of my characters. Some people think using fewer words to tell a story is easier. I say no way. WOW: Within your two-in-one poems, there is a separate subtext—offset lines that stand apart and wow power leveling accentuate or contradict the meaning of the overall poem. How did you come by that technique, and what affect does it have on your work? Ellen: This was something I wanted to play with in my wedding dresses regular stand-alone poetry. The idea of a poem broken into two poems, with the smaller serving as the heart of the larger, simply intrigued me. Through the writing, as the story itself became clear, so did it become clear what kind of book it was supposed to be. The funny thing is, I’d never even attempted a YA before; so through writing Crank, I also discovered where I belonged as a writer. yyz

Guest (2010-5-07 13:03:16, 评分:0)

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Her newest book, Fallout, is the third and final installment in the qpbjwihdk Kristina series. There is little doubt Fallout will join Ellen’s previous novels on the New York Times Bestseller List when it hits bookstores September 2010. A preview is available on her website. WOW: Hi, Ellen.

Thank you for taking time away from your writing to talk with us about channeling the voice of youth. Before breaking into the YA market, you were quite successful as a nonfiction author. When you began your first novel, Crank, did you see it as a YA book? Ellen: When I first started writing the book, I didn’t even know it was a book. It was a way for me to process the preceding six years of our life.
I write page to page, and each [url=http://www.wowgold-wow.com/wow-power-leveling/]wow power leveling[/url] page is almost perfect before I move on. Generally they feel perfect, but something might come up later that makes me have to change an [url=http://www.watchrolexshop.com/]wow gold[/url] earlier page. Because each page flows into the next, this is a must.

I write carefully; and so compared to some writers, my process seems slow. However, I don’t write “drafts.” By the time I finish a book, it’s pretty much ready to go to my [url=http://www.wowpowerleveling.me/]wow power leveling[/url] editor. I actually love the challenge of making every word count. I love giving readers strong imagery [url=http://www.aiongoldmy.com/]aion gold[/url] through the voices of my characters.

Some people think using fewer words to tell a story is easier. I say no way. WOW: Within your two-in-one poems, there is a separate subtext—offset lines that stand apart and [url=http://www.cheap-lotrogold.com/]wow power leveling[/url] accentuate or contradict the meaning of the overall poem. How did you come by that technique, and what affect does it have on your work?

Ellen: This was something I wanted to play with in my [url=http://www.bridalpick.com/]wedding dresses[/url] regular stand-alone poetry. The idea of a poem broken into two poems, with the smaller serving as the heart of the larger, simply intrigued me.

Through the writing, as the story itself became clear, so did it become clear what kind of book it was supposed to be. The funny thing is, I’d never even attempted a YA before; so through writing Crank, I also discovered where I belonged as a writer.

WOW: Your newest novel debuts this September—the conclusion to the story began in Crank and continued in Glass. While this particular series is based on your daughter’s experiences, you did not choose to write it as memoir. Can you share some of the factors that went into that decision?


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